新标准英语第二册Module4 Unit1 This is my head.第一课时教学设计与反思 - 给力英语

新标准英语第二册Module4 Unit1 This is my head.第一课时教学设计与反思

发布:jetshing    时间:2009/10/7 9:58:02     浏览:10662次

一 教学内容

新标准英语第二册Module4 Unit1 This is my head. 第一课时


二 教学目标

能听懂,会读,会说并能灵活运用单词 head ,face ,nose ,mouth ,ear ,eye。


三 教学重点和难点



四 教具准备



五 教学过程

Step 1 Warming-up


T: Good morning, boys and girls!

S: Good morning, Miss Ding!


Step 2 Revision


T: Now look at the screen, what can you see? What’s this?

课件中先快速闪烁几种职业的人:nurse, teacher, doctor, driver让学生猜并回答

S: She/he is a…

然后再快速闪烁几种有上面职业特征的物品: bus, dress, coat, bag让学生猜并回答

S: This is her/his…



Step 3 Presentation

⑴T: OK, very good! What’s this?

S: It's a flower (在一个学生头上贴上一朵小花)

T: (问其他学生)Where's the flower?

S: 在某某某头上


(Show a picture) Read the word "head" after the teacher. Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation. Use team work or group work to practice .让学生边说边touch their head.

⑵T: (Take out a star) What's this?

S: ……

T: Give you a star. (在一个学生的脸上贴上一个小星星)

T: Where's the star now?

S: 在某某某的脸上.


Show a picture face .Read the word face after the teacher. Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation. Use team work or group work to practice .让学生边说边touch their face

⑶T: There are some organs in our head, what are they?

S: ……

引出mouth, eye, ear, nose

Show the picture eye

T: what's this?

S: ……

Read the word eye after the teacher. Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation. Use team work or group work to practice .让学生边说边touch their eye.

⑷Show the picture nose

T: What's this?

S: ……

Read the word nose after the teacher .Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation. Use team work or group work to practice .让学生边说边touch their nose.

⑸Show a picture mouth

T: What's this?

S: ……

Read the word mouth after the teacher. Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation. Use team work or group work to practice .让学生边说边touch their mouth.

⑹Show a picture ear

T: What's this?

S: ……

Read the word ear after the teacher. Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation. Use team work or group work to practice .让学生边说边touch their ear.


Step 4 Practices and Consolidation


T: Put the words to the right picture. I will ask a boy and a girl.




T: Now look at these animals. How lovely are they! But they look very strange. They miss something. Can you help them?

T: OK! What’s this?

T: S: It's a bear.

T: What's the bear missing? Who can help the bear?



3、Play a game

Touch your head/face/eye/nose/mouth


T: I say touch your head/mouth/face/eye/ear/nose. You must touch the right organ. If you are wrong, you must sit down. The last student is the winner. She/he can get a flower or a star.



六、Home work



新标准英语第二册Module 4  Unt1 This is my head.主要是认识和表达自己的五官。我上的是这一单元的第一课时,主要让学生认识自己五官,掌握单词head, face, eye, nose, ear, mouth。







4、在教授单词的时候,没有进行教学单词的复数形式,比如eye-eyes, ear-ears。

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