仁爱版英语七年级Is there a supermarket around here?说课稿(全英文) - 给力英语

仁爱版英语七年级Is there a supermarket around here?说课稿(全英文)

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Unit 6  Is there a supermarket around here?
Section A, Topic 3
Good afternoon ladies and gentleman! My name is Zhan Zhikun. Today, I’d like to talk about my teaching idea about Section A, Topic 3 of Unit 6 in Grade Seven , Project English. The center of this topic is “Is there a supermarket around here”.
I divided the instruction into five parts, they are: Content Analysis, Teaching Method Analysis, Learning Method Analysis , Teaching Procedures and Assignment.
Ⅰ. Content Analysis

Is there a supermarket around here.doc (文件大小:32.00 KB)

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