最新版仁爱九年级上册英语同步电子课本和录音下载(2014秋季) - 给力英语


发布:wenhui    时间:2014/10/8 15:43:22     浏览:35052次
Unit 1 The Changing World
Topic 1. Our country has developed rapidly.--电子课本 同频录音
Topic 2. The population in developing countries is growing faster.--电子课本 同频录音
Topic 3. The world has changed for the better.--电子课本 同频录音
Review of Unit 1--电子课本 同频录音
Unit 2 Saving the Earth
Topic 1. Pollution has caused too many problems.--电子课本 同频录音
Topic 2. All these problems are very serious.--电子课本 同频录音
Topic 3. What can we do at home to protect the environment?--电子课本 同频录音
Review of Units 1-2--电子课本 同频录音
Unit 3 English Around the World
Topic 1. English is widely spoken throughout the world.--电子课本 同频录音
Topic 2. Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures.--电子课本 同频录音
Topic 3. Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?--电子课本 同频录音
Review of Unit 3--电子课本 同频录音
Unit 4 Amazing Science
Topic 1. When was it invented.--电子课本 同频录音
Topic 2. I'm excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.--电子课本 同频录音
Topic 3. China is the third nation that sent a person into space.--电子课本 同频录音
Review of Units 3-4--电子课本 同频录音
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