中国英语外语教学的十大神话 - 给力英语


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Ten Myths of TEFL in China

Bao Tianren

(28/10/06 Yangzhou)

I. “English communicative competence” is the aim of China's basic English teaching and learning

    ●Communicative competence is only listening and speaking.

    ●Listening and speaking are more important than reading and writing.

    ●An authentic English environment can be created in China.

II. The type of ELT in China is TESL

    ● No distinction between TESL and TEFL.

    ● TEFL in China is the same as the TEFL in other countries.

    ● The theories of TESL can be adopted in China.

III. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is the best approach to China's ELT

    ● The Chinese Non-NESTs are capable of using CLT.

    ● TBLT should be promoted in China.

    ● TBLT can be used in the whole process of teaching and learning English.

    ● Tasks are better than controlled practice and exercises.

IV. Output-based instruction is the best teaching model in China’s English teaching

    ● Development of productive skills precedes (comes before) the receptive skills.

    ● Concentrated input is a waste of time.

    ● Doing (using) to learn is better than learning to use.

    ● Students need to use English and perform in English right after the presentation of new language.

V. The classroom activities should be learner-centred

    ● Teachers should be the guides, assistants of the large classes.

    ● Learners can monitor themselves in class.

    ● Discovering by students is real learning.

    ● Interest is the students’ first teacher.

VI. English can be acquired incidentally in China

    ● Inductive (implicit) teaching and learning should be more stressed than deductive (explicit) teaching and learning.

    ● Procedural knowledge (knowledge about how to use the language) is more important than declarative knowledge (knowledge of facts and rules).

    ● Learners can acquire English naturally by themselves.

    ● English rote-learning is a bad practice.

VII. English-English classes are the best classes in China

    ● Translation should be avoided in English teaching and learning.

    ● Translation is not essential in the teaching and evaluation process.

    ● English teaching and learning do not need the translation of one language to another or consideration of cultural differences.

    ● The use of the mother tongue in the classroom is a block to learning a foreign language.

VIII. Bilingual education is the best way to learn English in China

    ● Bilingual education can be more effective than monolingual

    ● Bilingual education can create a better English language environment

    ● Bilingual education can result in “one stone killing two birds”.

IX. Global textbooks can be used in China

    ● A structural-notional syllabus is better than a grammatical one.

    ● A multi-functional syllabus is the best.

    ● English textbooks should not necessarily be localized.

X. Correction is not necessary in English teaching and learning

    ● Fluency is more important than accuracy

    ● Correction can interfere with fluency.

    ● Students can self-correct their mistakes or errors during the process of learning.
(文章来源    )

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