现场报道:穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲被击毙 - 给力英语


发布:wenhui    时间:2011/10/20 21:21:52     浏览:4049次

Live rolling coverage from Libya as rebels claim to have killed ousted dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, following the fall of his stronghold Sirte.

14:03 NTC spokesman Abdel Hafez Ghoga says: "We announce to the world that Kadhafi has been killed at the hands of the revolution. It is an historic moment. It is the end of tyranny and dictatorship. Kadhafi has met his fate," he added.

14:00 PM David Cameron to give statement on reports of Gaddafi's death imminently.

13:57 The revolutionary fighter who says he saw the capture of Gaddafi tells Sky News he hit him with his shoe (one of the worst insults in the Islamic faith). He was reportedly shot once in the head and once in each leg.

13:54 NTC spokesman Abdel Hafiz Ghoga also now confirming the former leader's death.

13:52 If reports are found to be true that Gaddafi was found in a hole underground in District 2 in his hometown of Sirte, the similarities to the capture of Saddam Hussein are unavoidable. The Iraqi dictator was discovered in a small, underground hole concealed next to farm buildings near the his own hometown of Tikrit. He had been hiding out for months with a handful of his most loyal aides.

13:47 If Gaddafi is dead, that solves the problem of the trial – but we may never learn the truth about Lockerbie and other crimes, writes Telegraph commentator Daniel Knowles:

 If the reports of Gaddafi's death are true (and they may not be: the US cannot even confirm his capture yet), it will make some things easier between the Libyans and their Western allies. It solves the problem of where he will be tried, and by whom. If he is still alive, we have months of wrangling and undignified negotiation yet to come, and – notwithstanding the assurances above – the prospect of a Saddam Hussein-style show trial. On the other hand, if he is alive we also stand a greater chance of finally establishing the truth about Lockerbie, the killing of WPc Yvonne Fletcher and many other crimes. Either way, the end of this man's brutal dictatorship has arrived, and not before time.

13:44 Official confirmation from NATO on an attack by their aircraft on a pro-Gaddafi this morning: "At approximately 0830 local time (GMT+2) today, NATO aircraft struck two pro-Kadhafi forces military vehicles which were part of a larger group manoeuvring in the vicinity of Sirte," spokesman Colonel Roland Lavoie said in a statement.

13:38 Telegraph Middle East correspondent Richard Spencer says if the reports are true, Col Gaddafi has at least been true to his word: he always said he would die on Libyan soil.

 Credit where credit is due: Gaddafi had chutzpah, as we knew, and showed it by placing himself like Napoleon at Waterloo at the heart of the final battle. He also had courage - a mad courage, perhaps, but it must have taken something for a 27-year-old to seize power for himself back in 1969 and he did not flinch at the end.

On the other hand, Gaddafi was also wrong about one thing. Like many dictators, he reassured himself, when he was under attack from western democratic leaders, that the political system they promoted ensured their own political demise. Whatever they said about him didn't matter since their electors would kick them out shortly anyway. -By 20 Oct 2011

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