哈利·波特男演员杰米·威莱特被指控在伦敦骚乱中使用汽油炸弹 - 给力英语


发布:wenhui    时间:2011/10/12 21:15:56     浏览:4522次

Harry Potter actor Jamie Waylett has been charged with having a petrol bomb during the London riots.

Waylett, 22, who played Hogwarts bully Vincent Crabbe, is also accused of growing cannabis in his bedroom.

Police officers allegedly seized 15 mature plants when they arrived at his family’s home to arrest him following the widespread looting over the summer.

He is accused of violent disorder during clashes in Chalk Farm, north London, and is also charged with handling stolen goods after a bottle of champagne was allegedly looted from Sainsbury's.

Waylett appeared before Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court on September 29 and was released on bail with a 7pm to 7am curfew.

The star, who is friends with fellow Harry Potter actors Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, is the most high-profile suspect to be arrested during the disturbances. He starred in six Potter movies but his character was written out of the final Deathly Hallows films.

Waylett, who will appear in court again next month, lives in a Kilburn flat with his mum Theresa, two brothers and a sister. The cannabis charge alone has a maximum sentence of 14 years.

Police have trawled through 100,000 hours of CCTV footage in an effort to identify hundreds of people suspected of damaging property and stealing goods during the riots.

The violence erupted across Britain after the police shooting of suspected gangster Mark Duggan, 29, in Tottenham, North London, in August.

Waylett, who is charged under the Criminal Damage Act, is said to have been armed with a petrol bomb with intent to destroy or damage property.

The charge alleges Waylett had the petrol bomb "in your custody or under your control".

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