男士们对一些流行女式牛仔裤的评价 - 给力英语


发布:englishfan    时间:2011/9/10 22:59:21     浏览:6824次


When we asked a few guys what these jeans said about the ladies wearing them, their reactions ranged from dropped jaws to total confusion.

(Spoiler alert: The word silhouette is mystifying to guys!)

Regardless of your taste in jeans — be it wide-leg, skinny or straight-leg — one thing is clear: Guys love it when the real YOU is easy to see. Read on for a glimpse into the male mind.

Paint-splattered jeans make guys think you're en route to the Laundromat.


This jean's look says, "I like to party … around bleach." — Francis, 25

Oversize jeans send guys mixed messages.


"Is she doing the walk of shame in her boyfriend's jeans? Where are her legs?" —David, 36

Cool relax-fit jeans = cool, laid-back girl.


"She looks easygoing, like she'd be down to grab beers with me in the afternoon." —Anthony, 27

Hip, edgy jeans make him think you're too cool for school.


"Black shirt, Blackberry, black JEANS ... There's no taking it lightly with her." — Alex, 24

Intentionally frayed or distressed jeans distress him.


Baggy jodhpurs-like jeans will make him focus on your rear—but not in a good way.

"Hoping she didn't pay extra for the fray … ." — Philippe, 26


"She's thinking, This is the last time I leave the house without my butt pads." —Hans, 27

Not-too-tight skinny jeans make for the perfect date outfit.


"She looks casual and comfortable, like we should cuddle on the couch … with a fire … in the fall and maybe some Bon Iver or Sigur Rós playing in the background." — Scotty, 24

Billboard-on-the-butt denim styles turn him off.


"Blinded by the white! She'd rather wear a brand name than something that looks good." —Josh, 32

Casual, layered jeggings are a guaranteed head-turner.


"These jeans look good on her. She seems confident wearing them!" — Colby, 26

Cropped, edgy jeans give off a playful vibe.


"She's sporty, with a splash of spunk!" — Jim, 34

Red jeans catch — and keep — his attention.


"Love this quirky girl — I think I have a crush already; can you introduce me?" — Tom, 23

Attention-getting ripped jeans are the denim equivalent of a pick-up line.


"She's a free spirit, teasing you with little glimpses of skin and letting you know she's down to party!" — Ryan, 25

'70s jeans send a groovy message.


"She's got flare. Literally." — Randall, 30

Slouchy, oversize jeans risk looking a wee bit sloppy.


"This is Tom Sawyer-esque effortless chic. Maybe a little too effortless, in my mind." — Nicolas, 24

You can't go wrong with classic blue jeans.


"Simple and elegant." — Josh, 30

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