谷歌董事长抨击英国的学校制度 - 给力英语


发布:wenhui    时间:2011/8/27 16:06:24     浏览:4178次

Britain is "throwing away its computer heritage" by allowing humanities to dominate in schools at the expense of science, Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google, has claimed.

Mr Schmidt, who has a degree in electrical engineering and a PhD in computer science, told the Edinburgh Television Festival in the keynote MacTaggart lecture that he was “flabbergasted to learn that computer science isn’t even taught as standard” in schools in the UK, and that Britain had gradually “stopped nurturing its polymaths”.

“There’s been a drift to the humanities – engineering and science aren’t championed. Even worse, both sides seem to denigrate the other…you’re either a ‘luvvy’ or a ‘boffin’,” he said.

点击阅读全文:Google chairman slams UK school system.doc (文件大小:79.00 KB)

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