小学英语命题作文 my room - 给力英语

小学英语命题作文 my room

发布:jialu    时间:2011/8/7 22:14:49     浏览:6735次
my room is big and clean.the blue bed near the red end table.the white air conditioner in front of  the wall.the blue window in front of  the wall too.the green bin below the window.there is one desk.the chair in the desk.the many books and one lamp on the desk.

习作点评:1.在描写某个地点有什么东西时,常用There is/are句型(There is/are + 物品+介词+地点),如我房间里有一张桌子应说成There is a table in my room;
2.每句话的第一个字母应大写,如文章中的第一个句子中的my room,应写成My room.

My room is big clean.There is a blue red near the red end table.There is a white air-conditioner on the wall.There is a blue window in the wall.My desk is near the green bin.It's below the window.There are many books and a lamp on the desk.
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