欧洲旅游:悉数欧洲经典美食美酒 - 给力英语


发布:wenhui    时间:2011/8/7 7:52:54     浏览:4318次

Eating well is one of the great pleasures of travel. Often, it is emotive and sensuous – the thing we remember most about a holiday: a delicious breakfast of fresh cornetto and cappuccino in Tuscany; a fragrant lunch of red tomatoes, chalk-white cheese, black olives, cucumber and a boiled egg on a sunny terrace in Bodrum; the briny indulgence of ozone-fresh fruits de mer eaten at a beachfront table in Nice with the setting sun in your eyes, salt in the air and a chilled glass in your hand. We like to feel that we are relishing a cuisine which is rooted into a different landscape, climate and tradition.

These are, perhaps, the moments when we come closest to absorbing a different way of life, to feeling at one with a different culture. ...
点击阅读全文:Food and wine guide to good eating abroad.doc (文件大小:93.00 KB)

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