英国比阿特丽斯公主在皇室婚礼上的帽饰秀被网络恶搞 - 给力英语


发布:wenhui    时间:2011/5/3 21:13:13     浏览:7061次

Star Trek weapon, cat flap and, least kindly of all, toilet bowl – Princess Beatrice’s fascinator has certainly been fascinating the internet pranksters since Friday’s ceremony.

A Facebook site entitled Princess Beatrice’s Ridiculous Royal Wedding Hat had last night attracted 123,675 visitors so far, with one asking whether she was a new Doctor Who villain.

Fascinators on stun: Pranksters have come up with a variety of alternative uses for Princess Beatrice's hat, including this Star Trek spoof

Spaghetti spoof or on the prowl? The internet is awash with images poking fun at the Princess' headgear

Bum note: The Princess' choice of headwear has been heavily critcised

Unflattering comparison: Many commentators have likened Princess Eugenie and Beatrice to the ugly sisters from Disney's Cinderella

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