与music相关的英语成语 - 给力英语


发布:englishfan    时间:2011/1/26 1:02:09     浏览:5026次

arrange some music for something:to prepare or adapt music for particular instruments or for a particular musical key.
e.g. Paul arranged the piece for piano. This piece was arranged for the guitar by Frank's brother.

chin music:Fig. Inf. talk; conversation.
e.g. Whenever those two get together, you can be sure there'll be plenty of chin music.
Bill just loves to hear himself talk. He'll make chin music for hours at a time.

face the music:Fig. to receive punishment; to accept the unpleasant results of one's actions.
e.g. Mary broke a dining-room window and had to face the music when her father got home.
After failing a math test, Tom had to go home and face the music.

make chin music:Fig. to talk or chatter.
e.g. We sat around all evening making chin music.
You were making chin music when you should have been listening.

music to someone's ears:Fig. a welcome sound to someone; news that someone is pleased to hear.
e.g. A: Here's your paycheck for this month.
     B: Ah, that's music to my ears!

set something to music:to write a piece of music to accompany a set of words.
e.g. The musician set my lyrics to music.
     The rock band set the poem to music.

stop the music and stop the presses:Inf. Stop everything!; Hold it! (Presses refers to the printing presses used to print newspapers. This means that there is recent news of such magnitude that the presses must be stopped so a new edition can be printed immediately.)
John (entering the room): Stop the music! There's a fire in the kitchen!
Mary: Good grief! Let's get out of here! "Stop the presses!" shouted Jane. "I have an announcement."

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