教师培训,学生教老师 - Teacher Training, Taught by Students
发布:wenhui 时间:2011/1/15 17:11:04 浏览:5160次
Syidah O’Bryant scribbled notes in a composition book, trying to keep up with a lesson about why teenagers are so sleepy in the morning.
Usually Ms. O’Bryant, an eighth-grade social studies teacher, is the one talking. But on Tuesday, it was her student, Kare Spencer, 14.
“She’s the boss of me; she’s teaching me,” Ms. O’Bryant said.
In a role reversal, Ms. O’Bryant and other teachers at Brick Avon Academy are getting pointers from their students this year as part of an unusual teacher training program at 19 low-performing Newark schools.
Teacher Training, Taught by Students.doc (文件大小:59.50 KB)