British workers are internet addicts - 给力英语

British workers are internet addicts

发布:wenhui    时间:2010/12/27 14:48:03     浏览:2651次

Britain is becoming a nation of work obsessed internet addicts according to a survey carried out by Demon Broadband.

The survey found that advances made in remote access was encouraging workers to log-on and work from home more regularly. Of those asked in the survey four in ten said they would log on more regularly due to better access to work from home.

61 percent of workers admitted that they would be working at home at some point over christmas. Worryingly many admitted to working similar office hours from home.

Matt Cantwell, the head of Demon Broadband explained that advances made in technology were helping maintain the balance between work and family

”We can see from our research that new technologies, such as smartphones and faster internet connections, are allowing more people to work from home when they need to", and that "while these technologies can mean we’re constantly connected they also give us the much needed flexibility to keep on top of our work without having to disrupt family life by leaving for the office".

However this flexibility does mean that many who would once have previously kept their holidays free from work at home are now using remote access.

The smartphone has also had an impact on the Christmas holidays of British workers. The 'always on, always connected' nature of current generation smartphones mean work emails are almost inescapable, with few having the courage to turn the handset off entirely.

Ernest Doku of comparison site said: "While many feel that they are being productive in replying to these messages when away from the desk, the reality is that we can neither focus on relaxing or attending to business by compulsively checking mail all of the time. Something as simple as adding an Out of Office signature to your account with a forwarding phone number leaves you reachable, but filters out those less pertinent messages easily."

For some the constant need to check office emails is becoming an addiction. The importance of seperating work from family life is becoming far harder to maintain with a smartphone in the pocket, research has suggested. One mobile expert, Alex Buttle of mobile phone comparison site explained that workers are becoming obsessed.

"The need to be connected can become an obsession, and checking work e-mails every five minutes while the turkey is being served up, could end up causing a family rift and spoiling Christmas for everyone", he said.

- 12:00PM GMT 23 Dec 2010

Are workers becoming internet obsessed? Photo: GETTY

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