Kaesong Industrial Complex Reopens 开城工业园区重新开放 From VOA Special English, this is the Economics Report. 这里是美国之音慢速英语经济报道。 North and South Korea reopened their joint factory zone this week. Lines of trucks and cars crossed South Korea's northern border Monday on the way to Kaesong, North Korea. 本周朝鲜和韩国重新开放了双方共同经营的工业园区。周一,成串的卡车和汽车越过韩国北部边境前往朝鲜开城。 About 800 South Korean workers and their supervisors entered the jointly operated Kaesong Industrial Complex. They brought materials and parts to restart production for the first time in months. South Korean managers expressed happiness at returning to work. 800名左右的韩国员工及其主管进入了朝韩共同经营的开城工业园区。他们带来了原材料和零部件,在数月后首次重启生产。韩国主管对重新开始工作表示高兴。 Ji Yoon-tae is deputy chief of a South Korean company in Kaesong. He says it has been very hard while the factories were closed. From now on, he says, he hopes everything works out well, and the factory zone comes back to life. 吉永泰(Ji Yoon-tae)是开城一家韩国公司的副总。他说工厂关闭期间一切都很艰难。他说,他希望从现在起一切都会顺利,希望该工业园区重现生机。 In April, North Korea removed about 53,000 workers from the joint manufactoring effort. Their withdrawl resulted from military tensions with South Korea and the United States. 四月份,朝鲜从共同经营的园区撤走了大约5.3万名工人。他们的撤离是因为朝鲜同韩国和美国的军事关系紧张。 South Korean companies say they lost about $1 billion from the suspension of factories. The industrial area produces cloths, watches, and parts for electronic products. 韩国公司表示,工厂停摆使他们损失了大约10亿美金。该工业园区生产布料、手表及电子产品零部件。 After months of negotiations, the two Koreas last week reached a deal to reopen the area. They agreed to set up a joint committee to settle future problems. 经过数月谈判,朝韩双方上周达成协议,同意重新开放该园区,并建立一个联合委员会负责解决未来的问题。 Officials from the two sides have been holding weekly meetings to discuss other details. The reopening is seen as the most important sign of warming relations between North and South Korea since the North carried out missile and nuclear tests. 双方官员一直在举行每周一次的会谈来讨论其它细节。这次开城工业园区的重新开放被视为自朝鲜进行导弹和核试验以来,朝韩关系开始回暖的最重要标志。 Choi Kyong-lim is South Korea's Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy. He told reporters in Seoul that the government hopes many Chinese companies will invest in Kaesong. 崔庆林(Choi Kyong-lim)是韩国产业通商资源部副部长。他对首尔的记者们表示,韩国政府希望有许多中国公司到开城投资。 He says it is important for Chinese companies to use North Korean labor at Kaesong where pay is low but productivity is high. China is North Korea's closest ally. It also is believed to have some limited influence over the government in Pyongyang. 他说,利用开城的朝鲜劳动力工资低生产效率高对中国公司来说极其重要。中国是朝鲜最亲密的盟友,据信中国对平壤政府具有一定的影响力。 Cho Bong-hyun is with the Economic Research Center of the Industrial Bank of Korea. He says Kaesong offers better guarantees than other investments in North Korea. He says investment in other cities has more risk. 赵奉贤(Cho Bong Hyun)就职于韩国产业银行经济研究中心。他说,开城比朝鲜的其它投资更具保障。他说在其它城市投资风险更大。