Mining Company Cortec Confirms Rare Minerals In Coastal Kenya 科塔克矿业公司在肯尼亚沿海发现稀有金属矿产 From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report. 这里是美国之音慢速英语经济报道。 Recent discoveries of mineral wealth in Kenya could help add to east Africa's biggest economy. The government also is taking steps to improve the openness of the mining industry. But some citizens are concerned that new mining projects will damage local communities. 肯尼亚最近发现的矿藏将有助于帮助这个东非的最大经济体。肯尼亚政府也正在采取措施,逐步改善采矿业的开放度。但一些市民担心,新的采矿项目会伤害当地社区。 Mining companies say, the mineral resources could be worth billions of dollar. Local communities say, they hope this will help their economies. And the government has warned companies about making announcements about new resources before they are confirmed. 矿业公司表示,该矿产资源可能价值数十亿美元。当地社区表示,他们希望这会有助于他们的经济。政府也就各公司在他们确认前公布这一新矿产资源提出了警告。 Kenya's Secretary of Mining Najib Balala says the government will ask mining companies for details about their findings before making them public. 肯尼亚矿业部长纳吉布·巴拉拉(Najib Balala)表示,政府要求矿业公司在公开信息前提交有关发现的详细资料。 "Any public announcements by a mining company, we as a government needs to have that notification 21 days before their announcements." “作为政府部门,任何一家矿业公司公布信息,我们都要求在他们公布前21天得到通知。” The discoveries also could upset some communities where big mining projects are planed. One example is the recent discoveries of rare minerals in the Mrima Hills in the coast area of kwale. The mining company Cortec reported finding a deposit of more than 600 kilograms of Niobium. The element is used in making steel and metal mixtures called superconducting alloys that allow electric currents to travel very easily. 该发现还可能会破坏规划大型采矿项目地区的一些社区。例子之一就是沿海的夸莱(Kwale)地区的Mrima山最近发现稀有金属矿产。科塔克(Cortec)矿业公司报告发现一处富含超过600公斤铌(Niobium)的矿床。该元素用于制造被称为超导合金的钢材和金属的混合物,它能让电流快速通过。 Cortec says the discovery could be worth 50 billion dollars. But a dispute has begun between the company, the government and the local communities. Leaders of the Mijikenda ethnic group which lives near Kenya's coast, say they practise their religion in the Mrima Hills. 科塔克公司表示,该发现可能价值500亿美元。但该公司、政府和当地社区之间发生了纠纷。住在肯尼亚沿海附近的米吉肯达族的领导人表示,他们在Mrima山进行宗教活动。 Joseph Morando is an official of the kaya people who are part of the local ethnic group. He says his people are oppose to mineral mining in the Mrima forest and in the area. He says they are appealing to the government to save the area which is an important part of their history. The area also is listed as a world heritage site by the United Nations cultural agency or UNESCO. 约瑟夫·莫兰(Joseph Morando)是卡亚人的官员,这是当地米吉肯达族的一个分支。他表示,他们的人民反对在Mrima森林和该地区开采矿产资源。他说,他们呼吁政府保护该地区,这是他们历史的重要组成部分。该地区也被联合国科教文组织列为世界文化遗产。 The Kenya government has not announced how payments it receives from mining companies called royalties would be used. Mining Secretary Najib Balala is expected to present legislation, proposing that the central government take 70% of mining royalty, local government would receive 25% and local communities would receive 5%. 肯尼亚政府尚未公布如何使用从矿业公司收缴的特许使用费。矿业部长巴拉拉有望提出立法,建议中央政府拿走70%的采矿特许使用费,当地政府获得25%,当地社区获得5%。 The government says it hopes that reforms in the mining industry will improve openness. Mr Balala says that Kenya canceled 31 mining licences during the first half of this year, because of concerns over the process for receiving a licence to mine. 政府表示希望采矿业的改革能提高开放度。巴拉拉先生表示,在今年上半年,出于对获得开采许可证过程的担忧,肯尼亚取消了31个采矿许可证。