China Exports to North Korea Fall 中国对朝出口下降 From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report. 这里是美国之音慢速英语经济报道。 Recent Chinese trade information shows that China's exports to North Korea decreased by more than 30 percent during the first six months of 2013. This is the first time in four years that exports have fallen. Exports decreased by about $1.6 billion from January to June, compared to the same period last year. 近期的中国贸易信息显示,今年前6个月,中国对朝鲜的出口减少了30%以上。这是近四年以来出口首次下降。与去年同期相比,今年1月到6月出口下降了大约16亿美元。 The last time exports from China to North Korea dropped was in 2009, because of the world financial crisis. This year, there was a large decrease in shipments of unprocessed oil to North Korea. 上一次中国对朝鲜出口下降是在2009年,原因是全球金融危机。今年对朝鲜的原油出货量下降很大。 Lu Chao studies at the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, based on government data, he says China is the biggest oil provider to North Korea. He said last year China exported 500,000 tons of oil to the country. 陆超(Lu Chao,音译)在辽宁社会科学院从事研究。基于政府数据,他表示中国是朝鲜最大的石油供应商。他说,去年中国向朝鲜出口了50万吨石油。 Mr Lu says China place trade restrictions on North Korea this year, after its third nuclear test. He says the Chinese government made the decision based on a U.N. Security Council resolution. 陆先生表示,在朝鲜第三次核试验之后,中国今年对朝鲜设置了贸易限制措施。他说,中国政府是在联合国安理会决议基础上做出上述决定。 North Korea's decision to carry out its third nuclear test earlier this year has affected the relationship between the two countries. 朝鲜今年早些时候进行第三次核试验的决定已经影响到了中朝两国之间的关系。 Following the test, Chinese students called on the government to completely cut ties with North Korea. Protesters denouncing what they felt was Chinese government acceptance of a nuclear test. 在这次核试验之后,中国学生呼吁政府彻底断绝与朝鲜的关系。示威者斥责他们所认为的中国政府默许这次核试验。 However, Chinese officials have condemned the test. They have also repeatedly called for the continuation of six-nation talks aimed at ending the country's nuclear weapons program. 然而,中国官员对这次核试验已经提出了谴责。他们还一再呼吁继续旨在结束朝鲜核武器计划的六方会谈。 In May, the government operated People's Bank of China announced it was no longer doing business with North Korea's foreign trade bank. 今年5月,国营的中国人民银行宣布,不再与朝鲜外贸银行交易。 Last week, China's Vice President Li Yuanchao visited North Korea for the first time since Kim Jong Un became North Korea's leader. The two were seen together, smiling and waving to crowds during ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War. 上周,中国国家副主席李源潮在金正恩成为朝鲜领导人后首次访问朝鲜。两人一同现身,在纪念朝鲜战争结束60周年的仪式上向人群微笑、挥手。 Mr Lu says, although the Vice President visited North Korea, relations between the two countries are still developing. He says the old alliance is now turning into a normal friendly relationship between two countries. 陆先生表示,虽然李副主席访问了朝鲜,两国之间的关系仍然处于发展阶段。他表示,两国之间的旧联盟已经转变为一种正常的友好关系。 Recently, officials from the United States and South Korea met. They announced their plan to continue placing restrictions on North Korea, and to seek more assistance from China in the process. 近日,美韩官员进行了会晤。他们宣布计划继续限制朝鲜,并在此过程中从中国寻求更多协助。