Conflict Presses Syrian Economy 战乱影响叙利亚经济 This is the VOA Special English Economics Report. 这里是美国之音慢速英语经济报道。 Eighteen months of conflict in Syria have hurt the country's economy. But in the capital, Damascus, a certain level of normalcy exists. Prices are higher. But goods are still available. 叙利亚长达18个月的冲突已经伤害了该国的经济,但在首都大马士革,经济仍保持着一定水准。价格比较高,但商品仍然能买到。 VOA reporter Elizabeth Arrott recently visited Damascus. Her visit took place under the guidance of a Syrian government official. 美国之音记者伊丽莎白·阿罗特(Elizabeth Arrott)最近走访了大马士革,她是在叙利亚政府官员的陪同下进行了这次走访。 She says the Spice Market of Old Damascus is an unusual sight in a country affected by civil war. Syrian military forces are striking nearby towns were rebels have support. But in the center of Damascus, business is good. 她说,在叙利亚这样一个受内战影响的国家,旧大马士革香料市场的现状不同寻常。叙利亚军队正在打击反政府武装支持的周边城镇,但在大马士革市中心,生意还是不错的。 One man operates a business once owned by his father and grandfather. He sells cumin, dried peppers, pine nuts and almonds. 某男子经营着从祖父、父亲手里传下来的一门生意,出售孜然、干辣椒、松子和杏仁。 He says work is about the same, but prices have gone up. This has affected both his customers and business. He is thankful that supplies are still arriving at his shop. But he says people are cutting back, and mainly buying only essential goods. 他说生意一如往常,但价格涨上去了,这影响到了他的生意和客户。他对货源未断心存感激。但他说,人们开始缩减消费,主要只购买一些必需品。 Another shopkeeper says business has fallen. 另一位店主说生意差了。 "You know we live in a very difficult atmosphere, the atmosphere of crisis." 他说,“要知道我们生活在危机的紧张气氛中。” Afif Dala is with the Syrian Ministry of Economy and Trade. He says Western restrictions on Syria for its violent reaction to government opponents have caused problems. But the government has worked to keep business in the capital normal. 阿菲夫·达拉(Afif Dala)就职于叙利亚经贸部,他说西方国家由于叙利亚政府暴力打击反对派而对叙利亚进行限制造成了这一局面。但叙利亚政府一直在努力维持首都的商业正常。 "But the Syrian economy actually depends on itself. There is a self-sufficiency in the Syrian economy because the Syrian economy is very diverse." 达拉说,“叙利亚经济实际上主要依赖自身。叙利亚经济能够自给自足,因为叙利亚经济是非常多样化的。” Syria, however, also seeks help from outside the country. Russia, China and Venezuela are major trade partners of Syria. 然而叙利亚还是向其它国家寻求帮助。俄罗斯、中国和委内瑞拉是叙利亚的主要贸易伙伴。 "There are a lot of countries, actually, because finally the interests, the economic interests between countries are talk, not anything else. It is not a moral thing, the Syrian economy, only; also its interests." 达拉说,“有很多国家最终谈的实际都是国与国之间的利益。它不牵扯道德问题,叙利亚经济也只是利益而已。” But conditions in Syria are important to other countries. This is especially true when many thousands of people have been killed in violence across Syria. This has forced tens of thousands of people to cross the border to escape the conflict. 但叙利亚局势对其它国家非常重要,尤其是当叙利亚各地有成千上万人死于暴力之际更是如此。这种情况使得数万人越过边境躲避冲突。 This week, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticized Syria at a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Istanbul. He said actions of Turkey's neighbor are "hurting the heart of humanity and the whole Islamic world." 本周,土耳其总理雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)在伊斯坦布尔举行的伊斯兰合作组织的一次会议上批评叙利亚。他说,土耳其领国(指叙利亚)的行为“有损仁爱之心,伤害了整个伊斯兰世界。” Mr. Erdogan said there are almost one hundred thousand Syrian refugees in Turkey. And he expects more will enter as they flee fighting between Syrian government and rebel forces. 埃尔多安先生说,目前有近10万叙利亚难民进入了土耳其境内。他预计会有更多难民为了逃离叙利亚政府军和叛军之间的战斗而进入土耳其。