Global Economy Risks Jobless Recovery 可能无助于创造就业的经济增长 This is the VOA Learning English Economics Report. 这里是美国之音慢速英语经济报道。 Organizations like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund expect the international economy to perform better this year than in 2013. They also expect economic conditions to improve next year. 世界银行和国际货币基金组织等机构期望今年国际经济比2013年表现得更好。他们还期望明年经济状况能得到改善。 Yet one United Nations agency worries that economic progress is not creating enough jobs for the millions of people seeking employment. The U.N.'s International Labor Organization is saying current economic growth has not helped the world's unemployed. 然而一家联合国机构担心,经济发展无法给数百万寻求就业的人们创造出足够多的就业机会。联合国的国际劳工组织(简称ILO)称当前的经济增长并没有帮助到全球的失业者。 The ILO released a report on employment this week. Guy Ryder of Britain is the Director General of the agency. He says the unemployment numbers for 2013 represent an increase from the year before. That means new jobs created by economy growth are not keeping up with the number of people entering the job market. 国际劳工组织本周公布了一份就业报告。来自英国的盖伊·莱德(Guy Ryder)是该组织的总干事。他说,2013年的失业人数与前一年相比有所增加。这意味着经济增长创造出的新的就业机会无法与进入就业市场的人数保持一致。 "The bottom line figure for 2013 is that there are nearly 202 million people around the world unemployed, and that represents an increase of nearly five million on the previous year," said Ryder. 莱德表示,“2013年全球有2.02亿人失业,比前一年增加了近5百万人。” The ILO says much of the increase came from East and South Asia, they were responsible for nearly half of the additional job seekers, many others came from sub-Saharan Africa and Europe. 国际劳工组织表示,其中大部分增长来自于东亚和南亚,这两个地区承担了近一半的新增求职者。其它多数来自撒哈拉以南非洲和欧洲。 The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde raised concerns about job creation during a speech earlier this month. She said unemployment remained, in her words, worryingly high in Europe, an area expected to show economic gains this year. 国际货币基金组织总干事克里斯蒂娜·拉加德(Christine Lagarde)在本月初的一次讲话中对创造就业表示了担忧。用她的话来说,欧洲的失业人数仍然高得让人担忧,预期该地区今年经济有所增长。 One question is whether the current period of economic growth is leading to job creation. The ILO says, based on current information, the world will have 18 million more jobless individuals by 2018, many of these are young people between the ages of 15 and 24. 问题是当前的经济增长是否能够引领创造就业。国际劳工组织表示,基于目前的资料,到2018年全球将新增1800万失业者,其中多数是15到24岁之间的年轻人。 Guy Ryder says youth unemployment is a major concern. 莱德表示,青年失业是一个很大的问题。 "Young people are the particular victims of unemployment: 74.5 million of the unemployed, aged between 15 and 24, that is one million more than the year before," said Ryder. 莱德说,“年轻人是失业的特殊受害者:目前有7450万年龄在15到24岁的失业者,比去年增加了1百万。” The ILO says youth unemployment worldwide is over 13 percent. There has been success in reducing the number of working poor over the past 10 years. The ILO defines the working poor as individuals earning less than $1.25 a day. 国际劳工组织表示,全球青年失业率超过了13%。过去十年,全球在降低在职贫穷(又称穷忙族)人数上取得了成功。国际劳工组织将每天收入低于1.25美元的个人定义为在职贫穷。 However, the group says 839 million people earn less than two dollars a day, that represents one-forth of the globe work force. 然而,该组织表示,还有8.39亿人每天收入低于2美元,这占到了全球劳工总数的1/4。 Low wages, the group says, mean weak demand and fewer jobs created in areas like manufacturing and services. 该组织表示,低工资意味着制造业和服务业等领域需求疲软,创造的就业机会减少。