Janet Yellen Confirmed As New Fed Chief 耶伦成为美联储新任主席 From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report. 这里是美国之音慢速英语经济报道。 The face of America's central bank has changed. The Senate has confirmed Janet Yellen to lead the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System. She will be the first woman to lead the nation's central bank in its 100-year history. 美国央行的头号人物已经改头换面。美国参议院批准珍妮特·耶伦(Janet Yellen)领导美联储理事会。她将成为美国央行100年的历史中首位领导该行的女性。 Ms Yellen will replace Ben Bernanke. Mr Bernanke is widely phrased for his decisions that strengthen the economy during the worldwide financial crisis. He served two 4-year terms as the chairman of the Federal Reserve. 耶伦女士将取代本·伯南克。伯南克先生因为其在全球金融危机期间强化美国经济的决策而广受赞誉。他担任了两届任期为四年的美联储主席。 President Barack Obama nominated Janet Yellen in October. He said then she would be a fierce champion for the American people. The president also said that Janet Yellen understands that the goal of financial policy is to improve the lives and jobs of workers and their families. 美国总统奥巴马去年十月提名了耶伦。他当时说,耶伦将成为美国人民的坚定捍卫者。奥巴马还表示,耶伦懂得,财政政策的目标是改善工人及其家属的工作和生活。 Ms Yellen severed as vice chair of the Federal Reserve during Ben Bernanke's second term. Economists are predicting that as chairwoman, Janet Yellen will continue many of Ben Bernanke's policies. Both she and Mr Bernanke have called for a measured reduction in the Federal Reserve's efforts to keep interest rates low. The central bank has bought 85 billion dollars in securities to push money into the economy. 在伯南克的第二届任期中,耶伦女士担了任美联储副主席。经济学家预计作为女主席,耶伦将继续执行伯南克的很多政策。她和伯南克都呼吁慎重削减美联储维持低利率的措施。美联储购买850亿美元国债以向美国经济中注入资金。 During confirmation hearings, Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown phrased Ms Yellen's ability to identify problems in the financial system. 在任命听证会上,民主党参议员谢罗德·布朗(Sherrod Brown)赞扬了耶伦女士识别金融体系问题的能力。 "In today's complex financial system, it's more important than ever that we have strong regulators like Governor Yellen, who can recognize emerging threats to economic stability, and who isn't afraid to act when they find abuses that put American consumers and workers at risk," said Brown. 布朗说,“在当今复杂的金融体系中,拥有像耶伦这样的强力管理者比以往任何时候都更重要。她能识别出对经济稳定的紧急威胁,当发现将美国消费者和劳动者置于危险之中的弊端时,她不惧于采取行动。” But some Senators have criticized Ms Yellen's support of programs to increase money in the economy. Critics say, these programs cause inflation. Republican Senator Chuck Grassley said so called "easy money" policies are bad for the country. 但一些参议员批评了耶伦女士向经济中注入资金的支持方案。批评者表示,这些方案会导致通货膨胀。共和党参议员查克·格拉斯利(Chuck Grassley)表示,所谓“宽松货币”政策对国家不利。 "We need a chairman focused on a strong dollar and low inflation. Historical evidence suggests that failing to rein in ‘easy money' policies risks fueling an economic bubble and even hyper-inflation," said Grassley. 格拉斯利表示,“我们需要一位专注于强势美元和低通货膨胀率的主席。历史证据表明,无法控制宽松货币政策冒加剧经济泡沫甚至恶性通货膨胀的风险。” Ms Yellen has repeatedly expressed concern over labor issues, including unemployment. The rate of unemployment has fallen only to 7 percent since the end of the recession, that is well above historical averages. 耶伦女士曾多次表达对包括失业在内的劳工问题的关注。自经济衰退结束后,失业率只下降到7%,远远高于历史平均水平。 Economists are predicting that Janet Yellen will continue many of the policies begun by Ben Bernanke. Those policies including keep the central bank's short term interest rates close to zero. 经济学家们预测,耶伦将继续执行许多始于伯南克的政策。这些政策包括保持央行短期利率接近于零。