African Union Pushing for More Intercontinental Trade 非洲国家发力推动非洲大陆内部贸易 From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report. 这里是美国之音慢速英语经济报道。 The African Union has held countless meetings and conferences on how to increase trade between African countries, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has organized similar gatherings. Yet these efforts have failed to lead to a increase in intra-Africa trade. 非洲联盟就如何提高非洲国家之间的贸易召开了无数次会议,联合国非洲经济委员会也组织过类似的活动。然而这些努力都未能增加非洲内部贸易。 Currently, African countries do only 11 percent of their foreign trade with other countries on the continent. By comparison, Asian countries do 50 percent of their trade with Asian countries. Last year, the world bank reported that Africa loses billions of dollars every year because of trade barriers. 目前,非洲国家和非洲大陆其它国家之间的外贸额仅占到总额的11%。相比之下,亚洲国家和亚洲国家之间的贸易额占到了总额的50%。去年,世界银行报告说,非洲每年因为贸易壁垒损失数十亿美元。 This past July, a U.N. report urged African governments to provide more support to private businesses, reduce trade barriers and expand public services. The slow progress makes it difficult for companies to do business in surrounding countries. 过去的这个7月份,联合国的一份报告呼吁非洲各国政府为民营企业提供更大支持,降低贸易壁垒并扩大公共服务。进展缓慢使得各公司很难做周边国家的业务。 Jittu Horticulture PLC is Ethiopia's biggest exporter of horticulture products. The company's General Manager Jan Prins says Ethiopia has huge possibilities for trade, but he says there are too many difficulties when attempting to trade with neighboring countries. Jittu Horticulture PLC是埃塞俄比亚最大的园艺产品出口商。该公司总经理普林斯(Jan Prins)表示,埃塞俄比亚的贸易前景无限,但他表示,当试图与周边国家贸易时困难重重。 "The major challenge is to reach these markets. And it can either be logistic problems like over flooded border areas, bad roads or no roads, trade barriers, political issues or security issues. For Ethiopia it is very difficult to reach the markets in the surrounding countries." “最大的挑战是进入这些市场。它可以是一些物流问题,像严重被淹过的边境地区,烂路甚至没有路,贸易壁垒,政治问题或安全问题。对埃塞俄比亚来说,进入周边国家市场非常困难。” Problems getting visas, corruption and high transportation costs are some of the barriers companies face when they attempt to trade within the continent. A truck in Africa will travel, on average, just nine kilometers an hour because of the many security or inspection stations. As a result, 40 percent of the cost of product is for transportation. 签证难、腐败和高运输成本是各公司试图与本大陆进行贸易时面临的壁垒。非洲货车的平均时速为9公里每小时,因为有很多的安全检查站。其结果就是,产品40%的成本是运输成本。 Intra-Africa trade, both imports and exports, totaled $131 billion in 2011. African Union countries have agreed to make the continent a free trade zone by 2017. Treasure Maphanga is the Director of the AU's Trade and Industry Department, she says governments must make that goal of a continental free trade area a reality. 2011年,非洲内部包括进口和出口的贸易总额为1310亿美元。非洲联盟各国已经同意,在2017年前使非洲大陆成为自由贸易区。Treasure Maphanga是非洲联盟工业贸易部负责人。她说,各国必须使得非洲大陆自由贸易区的目标成为现实。 "I see that in many countries there is political will that exists at a certain level. Intra-Africa trade does not just depend on one ministry, it does not just depend on the head of state. It depends on the whole government machinery. And coordinating toward a specific goal." 她说,“我发现很多国家都存在一定层面的政治意愿。非洲内部贸易不只是取决于某一个部门,不只是取决于国家元首,它取决于整个国家机器和朝着特定目标的合作协调。” The African Union will hold another conference on increasing Intra-Africa trade at the end of October. 十月末,非洲联盟将就提高非洲内部贸易再次举行会议。