在日常生活中,我们不免和与自己意见不同的人发生口角。在描述这类情景的时候,我们应该使用单词“argue、quarrel”还是“debate”?这三个和“争论、争吵”有关的近义词之间有哪些用法、程度和含义上的区别呢?它们的名词形式分别是什么?在节目中,我们将通过场景举例来讲解它们的区别。 Question Feifei 小张是个大学生,她平时性格温和,不喜欢和别人争执。有一天,她和室友因为一点小事吵了起来,但经过沟通,两人很快就和好了。小张还是学校辩论队的成员,在上周的全国辩论赛中,参加者们讨论了使用社交媒体的利弊。小张的队伍是正方。她用有力的论据支持了自己的论点,帮助队伍获得了优势。 Xiaozhang is a university student. She is good-tempered and she does not like arguing with people. One day, she had a quarrel with her roommate over something trivial. But they talked to each other and made up soon after. Xiaozhang is on the university debating team. During last week’s national contest, the participants debated whether social media is a force for good. Her team argued in favour of the motion. Xiaozhang supported her argument with compelling evidence and helped her team gain an advantage. 在这个简短的故事中,出现了很多类似“争吵、争执、辩论、论点”等近义词。我们来分析一下在上述的场景中使用“argue、quarrel”和“debate”的理由。 首先,当我们想要表示“与人争吵”或“发生争执”的时候,应该选用动词“argue”或“quarrel”,这是因为“argue”和“quarrel”都可以表示“两个或多个人或团体间因意见、想法等不同而发生口角”,也就是我们平时常说的“吵架”。但“debate”却不能用来表示日常生活中人与人之间的争吵。 在表示“争吵”这个含义的时候,"argue" 是 "人与人之间由于产生不同意见而争吵" ;“quarrel” 则多指 “家人、朋友、关系好的熟人之间因一些小事的吵闹”。它们的名词形式分别是 “quarrel” 和 “argument”。来听几个例句。 Examples She doesn’t like quarrelling with people. 小张不喜欢和别人吵架。 Xiaozhang had an argument with her roommate over something trivial. Xiaozhang had a quarrel with her roommate over something trivial. Feifei Examples She supported her argument with compelling evidence. Feifei Examples The participants debated whether social media is a force for good. Feifei |