Jiaying “Go up、go down” 和 “go along” 常常可以互换使用,意思都是 “沿路行走”。注意,这里的 “go” 可以用 “walk、run、drive” 等动词替换,当然意思也会相应地发生改变。By the way, how did you get to work today, Georgie?
Georgie I walked! I walked along some streets and then through a park. It's a nice walk.
Jiaying That does sound nice! 唉?你刚刚说你 “walked along some streets”。为什么你在动词 “walked” 后面选择了 “along” 这个介词呢?
Georgie I chose to say 'along' because I was talking about a long walk which involved many streets, whereas 'up' and 'down' are more commonly used to talk about one particular street.
Examples We walked up the prettiest street when we were on holiday in Venice. (在威尼斯度假时,我们走过了一条特别美丽的街道。)
To go to work, I just have to walk down this one road. (要去上班,我只需要沿着这一条路走就到了。)
Jiaying 介词 “up” 和 “down” 更多地用来强调 “沿着特定的街道行走”。
Georgie That's right. For this reason, we might use 'up' and 'down' more often when we're giving directions. You would not be wrong if you used 'along' to give directions. The meaning is still very similar, it's just less common.
在第一个例句中,如果想表达 “沿着头三条街一直走”,那么你完全可以说 “go up the first three streets and you'll find the supermarket”。但这里,“go up” 中的 “up” 同样强调了 “已知的三条街”。
Georgie Jiaying, can you help us with the difference between 'up' and 'down' the road?
Jiaying Sure. “Up the road” 和 “down the road” 通常可以互换使用,尤其是当你所提及的道路平坦而无起伏的时候,但仅仅通过介词 “up” 或 “down” 是无法表达出道路的走向或者行进的方向的。指路时,可能还需要你用其它词句或肢体语言来将这类信息传达给问路的人。
Georgie So, you could point and say 'go down the road' or 'go up the road' and it would mean the same thing?
Jiaying Yes. 不过要注意,在特定的语境中,“go down the road” 可能有 “朝同一方向继续沿路行进” 的意思,而 “go back up the road” 的意思就是 “调头沿原路返回”。听两个例句。
Examples You're trying to find the museum? Continue going straight down this street. (你想去博物馆?那就继续沿着这条街一直走。)
If you're looking for the art gallery, turn around and go back up this street, then turn left. (如果你在找去美术馆的路,那就先调头,沿这条街往回走,然后左转。)
Georgie In that case, look out for clues like 'continue' and 'back'. OK, let's summarise.
Jiaying 好的,归纳一下:在几乎任何语境中,你都可以在 “go、walk、drive” 等动词后使用介词 “up”、“down” 或 “along”,后跟表示 “道路,街道” 的名词,表示 “沿着…,顺着…”。但指路时,我们更多地用 “go up” 和 “go down”,强调 “沿着特定的道路走”。此外,如果你想说 “在伦敦街头散步”,强调 “散步” 这个动作,重点并不是 “在哪条街上行走”,这时最好用 “walk along the streets of London”。
Georgie Remember, if you have a question about the English language you'd like to ask us, please send us an email. Our email address is: questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk